About Us

Who we are and what we do

The Black TV & Film Collective的成立是为了为黑人和非洲裔艺术家提供机会,让他们在所有内容创作领域实现经济上可持续的职业生涯. BTFC is a collective of screenwriters, directors, producers, content creators, editors, cinematographers, animators, agents and other media professionals.

The Black TV & Film Collective成立于2015年,由一小群艺术家组成,他们的使命是:朋友帮助朋友创作他们的项目. What started as a simple act to create work, given the dearth of opportunities for Black filmmakers, 最终发展成为一个充满活力和有效的聚会团体. 我们的第一个办公室位于纽约布鲁克林一个荒凉的工业区.

到2017年,我们获得了501(c)(3)非营利地位,从那以后一直是蓝天. 我们的会员来自世界各地,包括非洲、南美和欧洲大陆. BTFC成员在镜头前、镜头后以及镜头之间的任何地方工作. Presently, 我们的会员遍布北美五大媒体中心:纽约, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Raleigh and Toronto. 随着我们的成长,什么仍然是在足球下注app的核心 & Film Collective, is friends helping friends create.

今天,在北美各大媒体中心拥有1300多名成员,足球下注app & Film Collective是黑人和棕色人种内容创作者和专业人士的开发和制作中心. 自2015年成立以来,BTFC已经支持了200多个项目. 我们的成员创造了在国内和国际上放映的获奖作品, on the big screen, TV and streaming platforms such as Hulu, Mubi, Netflix and Amazon.

Board of Directors

Kibi Anderson

Kibi Anderson

Co-President & Chair


Kibi是洛杉矶的商业主管和艾美奖获奖制片人,拥有超过18年的战略经验, business development, media, entertainment, tech, finance and entrepreneurship. 在Red Table Talk担任执行职务(总裁),Bloomberg Media担任数字战略主管 & Business Development), ABC News (Senior Manager, Business Strategy and Operations), 和百老汇联邦银行(副总裁/业务发展经理),她的综合行业洞察力得到了认可, entrepreneurial acumen, 以及在全球范围内建立数字业务和品牌的战略沟通技巧.

Kibi 在纽约大学斯特恩商学院获得工商管理硕士学位,是哈佛大学的优等毕业生, where she earned a BA degree in East Asian Studies.

You can follow her on FB, Twitter or Instagram @kibianderson.

Lemu Coker

Lemu Coker

Co-President & Chair


莱姆是谷歌全球媒体和娱乐合作组织的高管,该组织支持广播公司, sports leagues, and entertainment firms monetize their content. He has more than 15 years’ experience in strategy, business development, 以及媒体和技术领域的运营, Twitter, Verizon Media, MTV Networks, Apple, and Myspace.

He has served on the advisory board of AdColor, leadership positions within the Black Googler Network, and advised numerous startups and entrepreneurs. 他是一个自豪的丈夫和父亲,有一个儿子和5岁的英国斗牛犬马迪巴.

Lemu在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得工商管理硕士学位.A. 来自康涅狄格大学大众传媒与市场研究专业.

Huriyyah Muhammad

Huriyyah Muhammad

Founder/Board Member Emeritus


Huriyyah is an award-winning writer, 导演兼制片人,其作品曾受邀参加圣丹斯电影节, Tribeca Film Festival, Austin Film Festival, New Voices in Black Cinema, American Black Film Festival and many others. 她是2018年圣丹斯创意制作研究员,也是2020年圣丹斯创意制作奖的获得者, 在2020年圣丹斯电影节美国戏剧竞赛中首映的电影.

Huriyyah is also co-founder of the Black TV & Film Collective,一个拥有1400名成员的501c3组织,致力于发展和支持彩色艺术家. At the Collective, Huriyyah wears many hats, 其中大部分可以概括为领导这个出色的团队,每天都受到我们成员的启发.

Chris Gorges

Chris Gorges

Communications Committee Chair


Chris是一名独立的品牌战略和设计顾问,也是Thompson的创始人兼首席执行官 & Prince and Everharbor. Previously, he was Managing Director at Infinia Group, leading Infinia Ventures, a practice dedicated to serving the startup ecosystem. Before Infinia, 他曾在包括Droga5在内的创意机构担任自由战略顾问,之后加入哈瓦斯全球, Clear M&C Saatchi, CHI&Partners, and Firstborn.

Chris has done strategy consulting work in brand, digital, 为包括谷歌在内的众多客户制定增长战略, IBM, Spotify, TIAA, Amtrak, Wiley, NYCEDC and the US Department of Defense. 克里斯通过多个加速器为初创企业提供指导和建议, incubator, and venture capital organizations, including Big Idea Ventures, Acceleprise, XRC Labs, RetailXelerator, VentureOut, Lambda School, First Flight Venture Center, Launch Chapel Hill, and WeWork Labs.

在他的职业生涯早期,Chris曾在IBM和Booz Allen Hamilton工作. 他拥有纽约大学斯特恩分校的工商管理硕士学位和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的本科商业学位.

Okema T. Moore

Okema T. Moore

Programming Committee Chair


Okema T. Moore is a seasoned producer, 从《足球下注app》的童星起家的作家兼导演, cultivating quite a life of experiences since then. 这些经历包括分享她的广告广告艾美奖提名, produced and voiced, 在翠贝卡电影节(Tribeca Film Festival)的翠贝卡N.O.W. 2019, 为PBS制作了NAACP提名的纪录片《足球下注app》, 并制作了2019年美国黑人电影节最佳网络剧集, Little Apple. 在蒙哥马利的布赖恩·史蒂文森的平等司法倡议遗产博物馆里,可以看到她的全息图, 并在《买球app》和艾美奖提名的《足球下注app》等成功的网络电视剧中出演.

Behind the scenes, Okema拥有布鲁克林学院的金融和商业学士学位,以及纽约大学SPS的生产认证. A member of the Board of Directors of the Black TV & Film Collective, Okema leads Programming.

Ejeb Dema

Board Member


Ejeb Dema is an entertainment executive based in NYC. From working at Facebook and Google, 她在直接面向消费者(D2C)和垂直电子商务领域管理了1亿美元的收入,积累了7年的合作伙伴关系和业务发展经验. 她相信媒体能激发共鸣和教育,这激发了她对这个行业的热情. She’s packaged deals and experiential for CultureCon, MVAAFF, and SXSW, 最引人注目的是在翠贝卡电影节上与尊尼获加和肯亚·巴里斯合作推出了第一个黑人空间. 最终,Ejeb渴望在电视/电影,音乐,书籍和百老汇和

最近,她被选为多元化代表的黑人娱乐执行计划(1).2%的录取率),并在2020- 2022年ADCOLOR顾问委员会任职. Ejeb loves the local library, banana bread, magazines and witty banter – say hi if you see her around!

Sharon Liggins

Board Member


Senior PR executive Sharon Liggins is SVP, 第五季传播负责人(原Endeavor Content), a leading global, premium film and TV studio. 第五季是喜剧《足球下注app》的工作室, 获得奥斯卡提名的《足球下注app》,以及获得艾美奖好评的Apple TV+剧集《足球下注app》. Sharon was previously VP, 在Ava DuVernay的叙事变化和社会影响集体ARRAY担任宣传工作,并担任独立公关顾问, 与cia(中央校际体育协会)等客户合作, 纪录片导演斯坦利·尼尔森/火光电影公司和布罗德博物馆. 在职业生涯早期,莎伦曾在全球媒体公司nbc环球有线娱乐公司和华特迪士尼公司abc娱乐公司担任高管职务. 沙龙还担任了两届电视学院理事会成员,并共同主持了多元化委员会. While governor, 莎伦发起了奥斯卡有史以来第一次为有色人种提名者举办的艾美奖招待会.


Ron McCants

Board Member & Parity Project Founder


MFA, TV writer, playwright; WGA member who has written for Speechless. His plays have been produced in LA, New York and London. 罗恩是迪斯尼ABC写作计划的作家,多次获得剧本奖和儿童电视弗雷德罗杰斯纪念奖学金.

He was most recently a staff writer on Chicago Fire, 但他为纳斯写过音乐视频,还参与了漫威的《买球app》和《买球app》. 他经营着一个组织,旨在通过数据改善边缘化作家的职业成果.

Derrick Pete

Derrick Pete

Board Member & Parity Project Advisor


Derrick Pete received his MFA from UCLA’s acclaimed Film & TV Screenwriting graduate program. While in the program, 他获得了久负盛名的奥斯卡最佳编剧奖, gaining the attention of Hollywood agents and producers. Recently, 皮特把注意力转向了拓展他的创作领域, adding producing and directing to the equation.

迄今为止,他已经制作和导演了三部音乐视频和四部短片. He produced the award-winning short film, Six Letter Word, starring Rumer Willis for AFI’s Directing Workshop for Women.

Anthony Santagati

Board Member


拥有近25年的行业经验,包括时尚, luxury, media, and tech, Anthony曾为包括Burberry在内的国际品牌提供设计和营销解决方案, Lacoste, HBO, FX, AMC Networks, Airbnb, and the University of South Carolina. As a creative director, 他开发了各种面向消费者的项目的外观和感觉, from websites to e-commerce platforms, storefronts to live events. In digital-strategy roles, 他在预测科技和社交媒体的新兴趋势方面表现出了非凡的能力, bringing the best of what’s new to traditional markets.

安东尼的教育结合了艺术视野和学术严谨:他拥有霍华德大学(BFA)的美术和法律学位, 1999; JD, 2005),并通过参加设计会议不断更新自己的知识和技能, innovation, and creativity across the globe. And as a leader in his field, 从国际同事到有抱负的大学生,他都与大家分享了自己的专业知识和经验. 他是南卡罗来纳州海群岛人,目前与妻子住在布鲁克林.

Avril Speaks

Board Member


Avril Speaks has been carving out her path as a bold, innovative content creator for several years, 不仅是作为制片人和导演,而且在她担任霍华德大学教授的前几天. Avril produced the award-winning film Jinn, 在SXSW的叙事比赛中首次亮相并获得评审团特别认可的作品. 《买球app》通过米高梅/猎户座经典发行,并继续在世界各地上映.

艾薇儿还制作了几部电影,包括《足球下注app》和即将上映的喜剧《买球app》 & 《足球下注app》由莱斯利·乌格姆斯、加里·欧文、大卫·科奇纳和玛格特·宾厄姆主演. 她最近的项目包括南非电影《足球下注app》, which premiered at the Pan African Film Festival, and the docu-series Black America Is…, 得到了Blackhouse制作人实验室的支持, the CNN/Film Independent Docu-Series Intensive, and the Kettering Foundation.艾薇儿是TNT纪录片《买球app》的副制片人,并帮助制作了BET的脚本和非脚本内容, Coca Cola, Essence, and others. 她最近是Wayfarer Studios的《足球下注app》电影项目的制片顾问, and was producer of the short film Black Prom, which aired on Netflix Film Club.

艾薇儿被选为独立电影公司的制片实验室, Sundance, IFP, Rotterdam and Cannes, and Sundance. Avril serves as board chair for Level Ground, 一个屡获殊荣的艺术家集体和制作工作室,在共情中进行实验, and she is a contributing writer for DearProducer.com. 她还执导了两部故事片,《买球app》和获奖的《足球下注app》.

Advisory Board

Kai Akira

Director, Story Artist, Character Designer (Netflix)

Thembi Banks


Janine Sherman Barrois

Showrunner, Writer (Criminal Minds, ER, Claws)

Effie Brown

CEO & Producer (Gamechanger Films)

Deniese Davis

CEO & Producer (Reform Media Group)

Cassian Elwes


Guetty Felin


Hilliard Guess

Producer/Writer (Hilldog Productions)

Eric Haywood

Writer/Director/Producer (Mill Road Media, Inc.)

Mynette Louie

Emmy-nominated producer (The Tale, I Carry You With Me)

Jeff Melvoin

Showrunner/Producer/Writer/Author (Killing Eve)

Kaita Mpambara


Huriyyah Muhammad


Ekwa Msangi


Ramfis Myrthil


Arinze Onugha

Attorney, Sullivan & Worcester LLP

Kemp Powers

Writer/Director (Soul, One Night in Miami)

Peter Ramsey

Director, Sony Pictures Animation

Aida Rodriguez

Comedian/Writer (Dancing With Raymond Productions)

Bianca Sams


Malcolm Spellman

Writer, Prouder (Empire, Falcon and the Winter Soldier)

Aaron Rahsaan Thomas

Writer, Producer (BET Studios, SWAT)

Eric Wallace


Ben Watkins

执行制片人/编剧/导演/制片人(Blue Monday Productions)


Gotham Film & Media Institute

The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a not-for-profit dedicated to finding, 发展和庆祝塑造故事未来的人和项目.

Tribeca Film Institute


Wavelength Films

波长是一个屡获殊荣的电影工作室,致力于发展, 制作和投资那些讲述伟大故事的电影.


Vital stories, artfully told.


Supporting content creators with equipment, services & knowledge.

TCS Films


Sony Pictures Television

Sony Pictures Television Inc. (SPT)是一家美国电视制作和发行工作室. Based at the Sony Pictures Studios complex in Culver City, 它是索尼影视娱乐公司的一个部门,也是索尼集团公司的子公司.

Department of Motion Pictures

电影部门制作叙事和纪录片的特点和系列, with a focus on ambitious, cinematic, and emotionally resonant storytelling.

National Association of Latino Independent Producers


NYC Women Filmmakers

NYCWF是一个非营利组织,致力于促进女性的职业生涯,非二元 & GNC creators in Film, TV & Media.


Impact24, Inc. is a full-service entertainment public relations agency.

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